Supplementary Online Homeschool Courses

How is K12-powered curriculum developed?
K12 has more than two decades of experience building high quality curriculum fueled by innovative technology and the science of how students learn. Our team includes curriculum specialists and lesson developers, writers, editors, assessment specialists, user experience designers and media specialists, software developers, and quality-assurance experts. We also incorporate feedback from parents and students through surveys, focus groups, lesson reviews, round-table discussions, and product testing.
Build your own curriculum with K12-powered online homeschool classes.
K12 offers a diverse range of alternative homeschool classes that cover subject matter from math, science, and history to public health and coding.
Individual Homeschool Courses for Purchase
If homeschooling is the right choice for your family, K12 can help you find online homeschool courses to build or supplement your curriculum. With one of the largest online homeschool curriculums available for purchase in the industry, K12’s award-winning courses get students excited to learn, helping them to build strong foundational skills.
How to School at Home
Adjusting to online learning can seem like a daunting task, but K12 provides tools and resources to help students and parents navigate schooling at home. Explore how online learning works for K12-powered students.
Discover more!
Learn more about how your child can thrive in a K12-powered school or online homeschool course. Resources are available to keep families well-informed and help students reach their potential.