Online Schooling Proves Successful for Military Children

Published February 9, 2024
The average child in a military family moves six to nine times during their school years, necessitating numerous school changes. Continually having to adjust to new teachers, new classmates, and new curricula can be stressful and challenging. For many military children, online education provides consistency in their constantly changing world. With online learning, their schooling goes with them no matter where they are.
Read on to see how these military kids are thriving in an online learning environment:
Honoring an Exceptional Military Teen for Armed Forces Day
K12 student Austin Babcock’s online education led to honors and scholarships for him! Not only did Austin receive the highest honor a Boys and Girls Club member can receive as the 2014 Military Youth of the Year Award, but he already has a full scholarship to the University of Wyoming as a junior at Wyoming Virtual Academy. Read More
K12 Student Heads to West Point
Thanks to his focus, determination, and online education, Jacob H. found himself with an array of college options. But in the end, it was no contest for the Bay Virtual Instruction Program of Florida student, who had accepted an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. At 18, Jacob is quite accustomed to moving on. With his father in the military, he has lived in six states and studied in both traditional and online settings. Read More
Why Online Education?
In this article about why parents choose online education, A.E. Dean explains how much it helped her military family. “My husband is deploying this year and he travels now for flight training, and we have been able to be with him!” she says. “Thank you K12 for taking our military residency and having teachers who understand our traveling, time zones, and sometimes crazy Internet connection. Thank you for giving us the chance to be a full-time family until he leaves!” Read More
How Separated Military Families Can Stay Connected
One of the hardest parts of military life is frequent separation. Deployments, station changes, and temporary assignments can make military life lonely and challenging for both military personnel and their families. Even families outside of the military face the challenges of separation on occasion. Luckily, with a combination of modern technology and old-fashioned pen and paper, distance doesn’t have to equal separation. Read More
How To Prepare Kids for Parent’s Military Deployment
Being separated from a parent for an extended amount of time can be a traumatic experience for a child. Whether the reason is due to a military deployment or other job travel requirements, parents must be sensitive to the impact it will have on their children. Read More